Tuesday, January 17, 2012

weekend in review.

We had a weekend that was packed full, but totally fun!
Thursday, Abi came over and helped me break in my new sewing machine by showing me how to do a few basic sewing projects I had picked out. She is such a great teacher and taught me how to do a zipper on my first project:
(I actually feel like I know what I'm doing...somewhat!)
(first project = this little zipper pouch, isn't it cute?)
(Have you seen the clothing she makes? Pretty amazing!)
 Abi also helped me make a playdoh/coloring mat for B:
(I made a second one all by myself after she left too!)
Friday was grocery shopping day, and usually I make a very detailed shopping list for each of the 3 stores I go to with 2 weeks of meals on the back of it. I love my paper lists but I thought I would try to embrace the new and I tried out the Grocery IQ App. 
It's awesome guys, and once you put prices in for items, it keeps a running total at the bottom so it's easier to stick to your budget. I may do a whole post on it once I use it a little more. Grocery IQ was super helpful and I didn't miss my paper list at all! 
 Bubs did a great job shopping (it's always a long morning) so he got some chocolate milk when we got  home. He was excited for it, but I made him pose for a picture because he was so darn cute!
 Friday night we went down to Bridgeport to try out Joe's Burgers and spend some Christmas giftcards.
We were pleasantly surprised with how good Joe's was, though since it's only a kiosk, you get to eat in a plastic enclosed area and only half of the propane heaters were working. It was literally in the low 30's but the food tasted so good we didn't even care. Chris even got a milkshake!
 Saturday morning B woke up and promptly wanted to play playdoh:
 We played while we waited for Chris to get home from his run...and he came bearing a latte from Barista. Mmm.
 Then we made homemade egg mcmuffins:
and B took a super long bath:
 Sunday morning we woke up to this:
 Chris was playing at church, but B and I waited for my mom to come over
  (so we could work on a few more sewing projects) 
then we went out to play in the little snow we had before it melted:
 I had been wanting to use up some ricotta so I made these muffins, but tweaked the recipe a bit. 
(I left out the lemon zezt, added mini chocolate chips, doubled the vanilla and added some milk) 
They turned out amazing, and it was a nice warm treat to eat after coming in from the snow! 
 One of the projects my mom helped me with was a bigger clutch to match my little zipper pouch.
B thinks I made it for him to keep his cars in:
 Sunday night we went to church and heard an amazing message from John Mark on anxiety and depression...(it's the first in a short series, and I can't wait to hear the rest of them...podcast it here.)

I didn't really take any pictures on Monday, but I did make this:
(now I can finally use my poor abandoned scrapbook paper collection!)
 and today we woke up to this (!):
 so we played:
 and built a snowman:
(and B gave it a third arm)
 ...which didn't seem to help much when he fell over:
And now we are going to get cozy, make some granola and have a family movie night!
Sorry for picture overload!


  1. No picture overload, they are very cute. I'm waiting for our big snowfall expected here tonight in the Seattle area. Maybe we'll make a big snowman tomorrow!

  2. You're getting good use out of the sewing machine, that's exciting! I remember having a tough time the first time I did a zipper.

  3. goodness! what a productive little whirlwind weekend! my goal is to learn some more sewing skills too...something a bit more advanced than a pillowcase:-) xoxo

  4. What a great weekend! I've been wanting to try Joe's since we're so close but haven't yet. I love your sewing projects! My mom gave me money for Christmas to pick out my own sewing machine (since she doesn't sew) but I haven't decided on one yet. Do you like your machine?


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