Friday, November 18, 2011

15 weeks.

I always feel weird posting pictures of my awkward self, but you guys really seemed to enjoy the little preview of my weekly photos.  Not sure if I'll post a picture every week but here is the one for week 15.

I'm actually officially 16 weeks but that picture has yet to be taken.
 (I can only take pictures on the weekends when Chris is here since it's so dark out when he gets home these days)
I totally still don't look that pregnant, but it also depends on what I'm wearing.
They say you're supposed to show earlier with your second but I'm pretty sure it was a little more obvious at this point last time around. I have "gotten sick"(a nice way of describing throwing up) a large majority of the days since week 7...and it's still going! Ugh.

We are finding out what this sweet little thing is in four weeks and I can't wait!

Happy Friday Friends!


  1. I definitely looked more pregnant than that at 16 weeks. Ugh, around that time someone even asked me if I was due the same month as my friend Julia (who was at 39 weeks). That didn't feel great.

  2. You are super cute! Congrats! :)

  3. Congrats Becca!!! Little B will be the most dapper, stylish older brother ever!

  4. AH you look SO cute in that outfit and I love the chalkboard! Post these for sure, it will be so fun to look back on!

  5. ugh. morning sickness. definitely am not missing those days! Hope it passes soon. Can't wait to find out what little bebe is:-) You are looking good hot mama! xoxo


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