Friday, October 14, 2011

dorky but awesome kid's halloween costumes.

This will be Bennett's third Halloween, but his first one dressing up and trick or treating.. 
I never wanted to put money or effort into something that he would probably wear for five minutes then go right to bed. 

Since this year he is actually aware of what is happening around him,
(and its probably also the last year I have a say in what he wears)
I wanted him to be something totally dorky but adorable and original at the same time.

I have a picture of his actual costume at the end of my post but just wanted to share some great and original ideas I've seen floating around.
*I don't have a source for any of these costumes, though I found them easily on Pinterest.

(and one of his many lady friends could be Princess Leia)
(isn't this the cutest picture you've ever seen?)
 cardboard dragon:
(I first spotted this picture in the Anthro holiday catalog the year B was born and told 
Bennett that we could totally make this happen a few years down the road.)
(It seems to be more suited for a 3 year old so maybe next year!) 
 oscar the grouch:
where's waldo:
 edward scissorhands:
(a little on the creepy side for a 2 year old though)
 nondescript superhero:
(love this idea. May take it and run if he ever asks to be batman/superman/spiderman)
Dwight K. Schrute:
(This was our runner up but I figured we would have to explain it to every house we went to. No thanks.)
 our winner:
a gnome!

I always start out with intentions of DIYing things, but the prospect of buying a costume and not putting anymore effort into it sounded so nice. I caved and he's going as a gnome...but a dang cute one!

Also, when I was searching for costumes on Pinterest I came across this picture that made me laugh:
This kid looks so mad at his mom for making him squeeze into this noodle bowl costume just so she could get a good picture for her etsy shop. I love his expression! 

Have you seen any awesome costumes out there?


  1. I think your choice is the best! Happy Weekend!
    xoxo - Bekah

  2. bennett is going to be the cutest little gnome ever :).

  3. Funny, my little sister's stepson got the same gnome costume at Target. He looks completely adorable in it.


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