Thursday, September 8, 2011

pumpkiny goodness.

Apparently Oregon hasn't recieved the memo about it being September.
(this is one of the hottest weeks we've had all summer)
I LOVE September (not just because it's my birthday month) but because it's normally the perfect temp outside and I love all the colorful leaves.

Oh and all the pumpkin goodies start to make their way around the blogosphere.

I typically go into a baking-with-pumkin-frenzy until I get so tired of it that I don't want to see another can of pumpkin for a year. 

Here are some of the recipes I've seen floaing around Pinterest lately...

pumpkin spice pancakes

pumpkin chocolate chip brownies

pumpkin pie french toast

layered pumpkin chocolate cheesecake bars

pumpkin nutella muffins

pumpkin crunch cake

pumpkin cupcakes with maple frosting

pumpkin scones

pumpkin pie bites

Do you have any good pumpkin recipes I should try?


  1. Pumpkin nutella muffins? Did I just die and go to heaven!?!? Those sound amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm pretty excited to eat some pumpkin treats and get a Pumpkin Spice Latte or two. This time of year is the only time I am actually excited about going to Starbucks. Maybe I will have to try one iced this week.

  3. Those pancakes and french toast look so good and I just tagged those pumpkin bites yesterday myself! So little & cute!

  4. YUM! Definitely my favorite time of year! Until this heats passes though, I'm staying away from the oven:-) xoxo

  5. yummmmmmmm!
    everything looks so good
    favorite one pumpkin chocolate chip brownies!
    they look delicious!

    kisses from california
    follow me <3


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