Monday, March 7, 2011

weekend in review.

For date night on Friday, Chris and I went to see Hood to Coast at Living Room Theater. I can't recommend the movie's a documentary about the world's largest relay race, which just so happens to run from the top of Mt. Hood, through downtown Portland and finished in Seaside on the Oregon Coast (almost 200 miles with 12,000 participants!) The movie was awesome and the best part is  that even if you aren't a fan of running, you would still love it! It was so much more than I expected it to be, but I wasn't informed that I would need tissues (bring some along)! Make sure you go see it soon (it's not just playing in Oregon) because they brought it back to theaters for a limited run because it was so popular!

Saturday morning Chris went to work so Bennett and I played til he got back, then we spent the afternoon walking around downtown (sans rain!). It felt soo good to be outside in the fresh air! After Bennett's nap we went to church then came back home. Nothing too eventful, but that's not a bad thing!

Sunday morning we got up and decided to go for a run around the waterfront. 

no I didn't stop to take pictures, these are from last spring.

It was foggy and cold, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be pouring for our race this next Sunday so I didn't want to be a baby about it. This seriously is the most beautiful loop to run (it's a 2.5 mile run starting at our front door.) You cross two bridges and always have the river and the Portland skyline on either side of you. I can't complain. 

Sunday afternoon, Bennett and I took Chris to the airport for a quick business trip to Arizona. I was bummed that he was leaving but was looking forward to girl time with Lauren!

Once we got home, Lauren came and we walked down a block to the Portland Art Museum. They were having a free admission day, but we weren't going for the art (art shmart-don't hate me cause I'm not interested). We were going for the burgers! Lucy's Original  parked their truck at the museum and we (along with a buttload of others)  got to nosh on the goodness that is Lucy's. Seriously people, if you are in/near/visiting/ Portland, you must go! 

Little Buds and Lauren waiting patiently for the food:

the Juicy Lucy:
(I loved everything about this burger. mmm.)

amazing banana cake:

While we were waiting for our food, we ran down to Violetta to get some sweet potato fries to go with, as if we needed anything else. To read more about Lucy's Original check out Lauren's post here

We brought the food back and it was gone in no time. Lauren was nice enough to share her burger with Bennett,  (I kept mine to myself) (don't judge, I ran 2.5 miles in the cold) however I did give him a few bites of cake and he throughouly enjoyed it! 

I had been waiting (not so patiently) to watch Emily Henderson's Secrets from a Stylist with Lauren since the premier the week before.  Emily (a fellow Portlander) won HGTV's Design Star last year and I rooted for her all along. She is such a breath of fresh air to HGTV! She is pretty much amazing, sarcastic and a great stylist all in one cute little package. (did I mention I want her wardrobe?)

We watched Emily do her thing while we chomped down the ginormous slice of banana cake from Lucy's. Amazing. 

The little Buds and I will head to the airport in a few hours to go pick up Chris. 
I can't wait! :)


  1. i had so much fun with you! yay for girl time! but yay for chris coming back tonight too :).

  2. The burger sounds good, but I kind of just want to try Lucy's Original out for the banana cake. That sounds amazing.

  3. I've ran Hood2Coast and it was AMAZING! I recommend lotterying it if you can. It's costly, but so fun!

  4. okay. i've got to try that burger.

    looks like a GREAT weekend lady!

  5. Goodness. You guys are making me so jealous with those burgers! I'm tracking them down soon:-) xoxo

  6. becca, i just might have to try our your recipe, because with 8 cups of oats, it's sure to last us at least 2 days! also, i'm going now to look at your salmon cake recipe. i LOVE salmon cakes, but i've never known how to make them.

    also, that burger looks delicious! i saw that lauren (the little things we do) posted about burgers from the same place i believe, and they make my mouth water!

  7. Lauren & you make me want to fly to Portland just so I can go to Lucy's!
    Have you checked out Emily's blog? She's wonderful!


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